September 6, 2016 Fishing Report

Good Morning!

Well my friends, we have arrived at a very special time here in the Decker’s/Trumbull part of the South Platte. School is back in session and summer crowds are dwindling.  Honestly my friends, this is the beginning of my favorite time of year in the South Platte River Valley. Looking like another beautiful September day with high temps expected to be in mid-80’s. The fishing continues to be great, with great flows, good clarity, and lots of active fish. The more aggressive fish seem to be feeding in the riffles, but don’t miss out on your chances to pull a beast that’s feeding along the banks and in the slower moving water. Trico’s in the morning, nymphing and dry-dropping through the day, and the evening’s are full of dry-fly opportunities!  Around the time the local Owl starts to show up around the yard, we’ve been seeing huge blue-wing olive hatches that have produced a significant rise of fish along the river banks and granite wall by my house. This is also a fun time to break out the streamer and go after the big, territorial monsters that seem to go nuts when that streamer hits the water!  Wednesday, I’ll be fishing the Dream Stream and hope to bring back some pictures to share on my blog.  I’m trying a new plug-in, so I’ve added an RSS feed for the Trumbull station flow readings. This is coming directly from the official USGS website and will be on the blog daily. Along with this feed, I will also provide an estimation each day of the flow in Decker’s and the flow below Cheesman Dam. Today, it’s approximately 280 cfs. in Decker’s, with a measured flow of 281 cfs below Cheesman Dam.  Have a great day and I hope to see you on the river!


Trumbull, below Brush Creek

  • Streamflow: 172 ft³/s
  • Gage height: 3.66 ft
Streamflow GraphGage height Graph