[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”25″ gal_title=”first sunday wrap up pics”]

July 10, 2016

Good morning everyone and welcome back!!! Just returned from a big hike this morning! Climbed about 1500 feet and took some amazing pictures that I’ll be posting a little later. Keeping with tradition, I would like to give you the daily river report before going any further with today’s “thoughts” At 5:40 this morning it was already 57 degrees and it’s going to be in the upper 80’s today! Plenty of morning sunshine and great hiking weather!   The South Platte river flow out of Cheesman Dam this morning at 8:45 was 234 (cfs) and the Trumbull station measured 311 (cfs) .  The midges continue to be strong in the morning and the evenings and the hoppers are working well.  Yesterday, I walked the river from Trumbull to Decker’s and saw large number of tubers and fisherman between the two bridges in Decker’s.  This is a common occurrence this time of year, so be prepared to share the river no matter the reason you decided to visit our area. I will say that the tubing is much better from “Bridge Crossing” which is about 5 miles downstream from Decker’s. I’m working on putting together another picture gallery of hikes and adventures from the last week and I will post them later this evening. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy your Sunday and have a fabulous day!
