Hello Friends,

Well, it’s certainly no April Fool’s Day joke, this stuff is REAL! My friends, we are most definitely living in a new world, a world in which the basic necessities have become scarce.  Trips to the movies, parks, concerts and sporting venues, all  have been either closed, cancelled, or instituted strict rules around being open for business. If you’ve found yourself like most of the other 2/3 of the world, you’re most likely quarantined at home from the Covid-19 virus, sheltering in place.  Or,  perhaps you are one of unfortunate Cruise ship passengers stranded at sea, left abandoned and helpless, while among the sick and dying. Scenarios like these are happening all around the world. Yesterday, the United States passed Italy with the total number of positive test results, for 200,000 Americans. As of Wednesday, more than 210,000 people in the United States had tested positive, with at 4,669 deaths.  As we continue our efforts to stop this virus from spreading deeper, with strict social distancing guidelines,  and a fierce movement to both find a vaccine and eventual cure, we struggle to find hospital beds and more importantly, much needed ventilators and PPE (Personal Protection Equipment). These items  are crucial to the ability to fight this onslaught of sickness, and to protect our healthcare workers from becoming sick and potentially dying.   As we have just recently been informed that the Federal guidelines, issued by President Trump, along with the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control, are to remain in effect until at least April 30. Let’s face it folks, this isn’t going to get better before it gets worse! If we do not adhere to these guidelines and follow the mandated orders, we’re in for a far worse situation than what we are currently experiencing. With that being said, I would like to pass along some information that just came out today. This was released by the Colorado Parks & Wildlife, pertaining to the Campgrounds and Day-use areas.  Before I sign off, I would like to say that it’s good to be back writing.  You see,  I lost my mother last year and struggled to put words to print.  After some time to mourn and take a step back, I’m in a much better place and well on my way to being back to my old self.  Even thought we’re going through a difficult and scary time, with unimaginable loss of life  and a lengthy road to recovery, try to stay strong and remember to be kind to one another! We’ve got this…..

Take Care,

Chef Chris

COVID-19 Response


   COVID-19 Update – 3/31/20 1:00 p.m.

Colorado State Parks remain open, but Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) will close all playgrounds, picnic areas, campgrounds, dispersed camping and camping facilities (including yurts and cabins) at Colorado’s state parks as well as camping at State Wildlife Areas effective Thursday, March 26 until further notice. This action has been taken based on The Stay-At-Home Order from Colorado Governor Jared Polis and the advice of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

Colorado Parks and Wildlife visitor centers, service centers and offices are also continuing to restrict access to the public. Restrictions and closures remain subject to change.

We know you have questions regarding the rapidly evolving scenario that surrounds COVID-19, and how Colorado Parks and Wildlife is responding to keep your family healthy during your visits to our parks and offices.

  • Customer, volunteer and employee safety is our top priority, and we take your health and well-being seriously.
  • We are committed to providing our regular services at the highest level possible while also ensuring that everyone is safe.


For the safety of the visitors and staff, the Campgrounds have been closed. The Day-use area restrooms have also been closed.   These would include Lone Rock Campground, Ouzel, Osprey, Platte River, Willow Bend, Scraggy View, and all other campground and day-use areas, along the South Platte.  For more information and forest alerts, visit https://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/psicc/alerts-notices

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January 8, 2020

Good Afternoon Folks!

One our main goals at DiscoverDeckers.com is to promote Volunteer Events & Opportunities, in the Pike National Forest, and surrounding areas. As a Partner/Advocate of Colorado’s Outdoor Principles, we’re happy to promote all volunteer Events and volunteer opportunities on our Events Calendar and Blog page. Here’s the latest update on the Winter/Spring Upcoming Volunteer Events from the Colorado Springs Office, SE Region Volunteer Opportunities 2019-20’

Do you work for a non-profit, or another Outdoor Volunteer Organization? Contact me to get your Volunteer Events on our Calendar today!  With thousands of visitors to our site monthly, and GROWING BY THE DAY, we are proud to be involved in promoting good forest stewardship and community outreach. Join us today! Click on https://discoverdeckers.com/contact


Chef Chris


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January 4, 2020

Hey Folks!

Well, it’s most certainly been awhile since my last blog, my apologies. Before giving you the update on how much we have grown since last summer, I must first tell you why I’ve been absent from blogging. On February 23, 2019, my mother, Dawn Elizabeth White, passed away. She was a week shy of her 80th birthday, which was on March 4. My mom was my best friend and stood by me through thick and thin! She was my hero, my inspiration, my mentor, and above all, my biggest fan! I left home when I was about 22 years of age, but for the next 27 years, spoke with her almost daily. Nothing can prepare you for the loss of your mother, but if you are strong in your faith, as am I, you will trust that you will be reunited with your loved ones, in due time. So, with that being said, and trust me, much more was said to the priest/therapist I have been seeing, it’s great to be back to writing, sharing with you all of the joys of living on one of the best trout fisheries in North America, The South Platte River, at Decker’s & Cheesman Canyon.

To get you updated on what’s going on with www.DiscoverDeckers.com, I’m going to write a paragraph about each topic that I would like to update you on and bring you up to speed on everything that has been implemented to the site! Way back on June 6, 2016, I was officially handed the website from http://www.GoDaddy.com.

After about a year or so of working off of this original platform, I had a major problem with my website, it crashed! Couldn’t see a damn thing, but a white screen! So, I called a friend of mine who happened own an IT company in Colorado Springs, and he was able to fix my issue. As we were wrapping up our conversation, mostly consisting of me repeatedly thanking him for saving my ass, I asked him if he had a recommendation for a web designer, as my original platform wasn’t that user friendly, and more importantly, I needed someone with the technical skills to take my vision to the next level.  He immediately recommend Sherri Kiaris, of http://www.sublimecreations.com  Since hiring Sublime Creations, and more importantly, Sherri, www.livedeckerscolorado.com, has taken on a whole new look,  and quite frankly, a whole new vision of opportunity!   You see, not only did Sherri think that it was a good idea for the area, she actually grew up in the Decker’s area, including most of the Pike National Forest. This was great to hear, knowing that a native to the section of the Pike National Forest that I was trying to organize, already had an excellent understanding of that area.  After writing a few letters to the US Forest Service, Colorado Parks & Wildlife, and a couple of other private and non-profit organizations, they all, rather quickly I may add, gave me  the permission to share/use their information, on my website. This was one of the turning points of the website and about the time I decided to make my little hobby a legitimate small business, particularly an advertising company.  By having consistent and up to date Fire Alerts, River Flows, and other Emergency Information from several very trusted sources, we were well on our way to becoming the first and only Tourist Information/Forest Information website, for Decker’s, Colorado.  Now, with over 47 pages of content, and over 250 fly-fishing reports and blogs, we have become one of the top resources of information for Decker’s, Cheesman, and the surrounding Pike National Forest.  Here are a some of the new features of the website!


We are very excited at www.DiscoverDeckers.com to have partnered with the good guys over at www.Flycastusa.com, to provide you the most up to date, comprehensive fishing reports, for all of the top rivers and streams in Colorado! These guys have turned over the stones and monitored the flows! Each Sunday and sometimes mid-week, you can get updated reports. Complete with the best days to fish, bug selections, where to fish, and even a costume fishing trip, put together by the Tyler and Travis, owners and operators of Flycastusa.com, you’ll have all the information you’ll need for a great day out on the river! Check out the newly updated report for Decker’s & Cheesman, at https://discoverdeckers.com/fishing-reports/


Looking for that unique gift for the holidays, or just looking to pick up a souvenir? We now have a full line of DiscoverDeckers.com LOGO items, such as Hats, Mugs, T-Shirts, and much more! In addition to our own products, we at DiscoverDeckers.com are very excited to announce our OWN Affiliate program! Yes, do you have a product that you sell online? If you you do, you can now have that product featured in our store! For a small percentage of the sale, your product can be featured in our store and promoted throughout the website. Simply Click on the VENDOR REGISTRATION TAB https://discoverdeckers.com/vendor-registration/ plug in your information, get approved, and start selling your product on our website today!


Tired of all that clutter? Well, here’s your chance to list it for sale on our new, FREE CLASSIFIED SECTION! Yes folks! Just like Facebook, it’s free to place an item for sale, job opportunity, or even post your skills in search of employment. Got some old junk, post for it to be picked up, or barter or trade! It’s all possible folks, and free! Simply click on the Free Classified Section link https://discoverdeckers.com/listings/ and post your ads!


Here at www.DiscoverDeckers.com, one of our top priorities is getting out the word about Volunteer Events, in and around our Mountain Community. Each month we will be promoting several volunteer opportunities from many local and national organizations that desperately need the help of  volunteers for a variety of projects throughout the year. Once again, simply click on the link and start giving back today! https://discoverdeckers.com/events/

Our Mission at www.DiscoverDeckers.com, is to provide you the most up to date Forest Alerts, Fire Conditions, and Local Information, to ensure that you and your family have a safe and memorable trip to our little mountain Community. Until next time, take care and I hope to see you on the river soon!


Greeting Folks!

Just as I was driving home the other night, I came across a hungry bear that was munching on some road side goodies! Here’s a great article by the CPW. Learn the best practices for hiking and camping in black bear country, and take measures to protect both you and the bears from harm.
— Read on cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/LivingwithWildlifeCampingBearCountry.aspx