The Bear Facts

June 24, 2016

Good morning and welcome back, Chef Chris here with your early morning insight into the river conditions and current weather, here in Decker’s/Trumbull, Colorado. At 5:45 this morning, the Trumbull station was showing 452 (cfs). It was a much cooler this morning when I took my walk earlier,as it’ was only 52 degrees when I left, but the sun has come up over the ridge and we are warming up nicely. Going to be a warm one today with forecasted temperatures reaching almost 9o Degrees. I fished last night through “Rays Run” up to the “Turn Hole,” and did pretty well, with a PMD “barr’s emerger” trailing again with a grey RS-2.  For those of you that are not familiar with Decker’s, YET!! I will be referring quite often to a beautiful map of the South Platte River’s, “named fishing holes”,  located on the wall next to Flies-n-lies. Stop in and say hello to the helpful staff and guides and they will give you the real “skinny” on what’s catching the most trout, what bugs are working and any gear you made need to purchase or rent.  I just like to offer up what works for me, as I am blessed to live and fish at will on this beautiful stretch of trout waters.

As I spend quite a bit of time outdoors these days shooting pictures of wildflowers, landscapes, fish and fisherman, I occasional have my “camera eye” open for that early summer bear that may give me that shot of a lifetime! Well, sorry my friends, it has happened yet!!  However, yesterday was the closest this season to getting a good picture of a bear. As I was walking back up from being down on the river in Trumbull, my new neighbor alerted me that there was a bear in the immediate area!! As he and I were facing each other, the bear gave us the slip, ran up the mountain behind him and was quickly was gone in seconds! Well, with camera in hand and out on the trail, I hope to get that “shot” and share it with you soon.  Have a great day, and remember, take someone fishing today!!

Chef Chris