High River Flows and Dangerous Conditions on the South Platte-Deckers

June 12, 2024

Good evening Folks!

Sorry for the absence for a bit, had to take care of some much needed shoulder surgery. It’s great to be back to writing and keeping you all updated on the latest conditions on the South Platte. First and foremost, we are now at 758cfs. It is advised that you do not float at this level.  Listen up my friends, it’s not safe out there right now, for recreational floating. With it being peak run-off, we’re experiencing a slightly longer than usual, high run-off flow. Typically, by 4th of July we are back down to the 200cfs-400cfs range. However, we may run a little heavier for a bit longer this year. You will see several float-boats fly-fishing. But,even that can present some issues. I can personally attest to that one! Trust me, me and my buddy had some of those very “issues’ floating his boat through Ox Yoke, last weekend. Here’s the link to the Tubing/Floating page. https://discoverdeckers.com/tubing-paddle-boarding-kayaking/. Here, you’ll find maps, safety information, parking information, live river flow, and much more. Also, for those of you that regular camp while floating the river, I want to inform you that the Ouzel Campground and Osprey campgrounds are now enforcing the “Tent Only” camping at these campgrounds. What that means m friends, is that you can no longer bring a hitched trailer or camper nto those campgrounds. https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/psicc/recarea/?recid=12975. The U.S. Forest website has read this for years. However, it’s migrated into what became to big of a problem for the Forest Service to allow to continue. Allowing large campers has led to problems associated with increased trash, wildlife issues, overcrowding, and a general theme of a “Water Park without Rules” As someone who has worked for the current and previous companies that have and currently manage these areas on behalf of the Forest Service, I can personally attest to the increased number of problems, accidents, and general entitlement behavior that has finally forced the hand of the Forest Service, including U.S.Forest Service and local law enforcement to act. Many of you have met me over the years working at Bridge Crossing and I’m grateful for all of the wonderful people that I got to meet and welcome that were here for the first time. And, many that returned week after week and year after year. I’ve moved on from working the river and focusing on other things right now. However, being a resident of the area and having this platform, I wanted to ask everyone that happens to take a minute or two to read this, to maybe think about how many great times they’ve had over the years here on the South Platte River, Deckers. Then, I would like you to ask yourselves how you would feel if it was no longer here for you, your kids, or your grandkids to use anymore? Simply because we can’t seem to have enough respect for the land, or quite frankly one another. It’s not ok to have illegal fires, try to reserve non reservable campsites, camp illegally, leave your trash at Day-use areas, and park wherever you want. I would like all of you to think about all of the negative behavior and the effect it has on the environment, the businesses, and each other.  When thousands of people come to the river each year and leave behind their trash, disturb and feed wildlife, pollute the river with clothing and toys, it all is rapidly destroying this beautiful land at an alarming rate. It’s all of us to hold each other accountable while publicly recreating. If we don’t start to inform and educate more people about what you should and should’t do in the outdoors, we’re going to pollute the river, destroy the wildlife, and more than likely burn this place down. I’m just asking for a little love for what we all want to enjoy for many years to come. Be safe out there and I’l be writing again regularly now. Thanks for sticking with me folks, take care.
